Clarification re folder structure?

  • Last Post 06 October 2016
Mike Caine posted this 06 October 2016


I just set up my first Apollo last night and I've a little querey re the folder structures on the Mac

I think part of my confusion might be casued by me just naming the Apollo as "Apollo"

In my home directory I have /Users/Mike/Apollo/Apollo/Apollo

In my finder sidebar I have Apollo and when I select that I have another folder named Apollo

I'm hestant to copy thoyusands of files over to the device if the folder structure has barfed and gone wrong.

I'm now wondering though if the Apollo item in the Finder sidebar isn't the actual device, but a "container" for multiple devices. If I had 3 Apollos would they appear in here as Apollo1, Apollo2 and Apollo3 (if that was what I named them)

Stil not sure about the /Users/Mike/Apollo/Apollo/Apollo folder structure though

Does the abouve sound correct? Would it be cleared to me if I hadn't just named the device as "Apollo"

Thanks for any help


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Philip Wong posted this 06 October 2016

Hi Mike,

/Users/Mike/Apollo : this "Apollo" is the default name created by the Apollo Utility. It means an external device is recongnized by your Mac.

/Users/Mike/Apollo/Apollo : this "Apollo" is the device name. If you change the device name thru the App, you can see this "Apollo" name changed. 

/Users/Mike/Apollo/Apollo/Apollo : this "Apollo" could be a folder name you created in your Apollo File page. It is a folder name. You may try to change the folder name to see the difference.

If you are user of multiple Apollo units, either an Apollo owner and/or shared members of multiple Apollo units, Finder siderbar will show a "Apollo" icon. After open it, you will find "Apollo1", "Apollo2", "Apollo3" folders, which represent multiple Apollo devices you could sign in. 

Hope this help.


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  • Ralph Oser
Mike Caine posted this 06 October 2016

Hi Philip

Yes, it did help. Thanks for the clarification. 

I renamed the Apollo to Apollo1 which helps me see the difference better    

iI don't remember creating an Apollo folder, and I can't see one on the device, but I'm happy with my understanding of how it works now. 

Backing up my external Lightroom photo folder to it now and hoping it's not going to also be in my internal drive. 

Thanks again,

