I have a Problem with my NS2600 NAS,
With the latest Firmware it ist not possible to create an iSCSI Volume over the whole Raid.
Only 10% is automatically assigned to iSCSI on the Raid Volume.
With the FW 02.01.0000.18 it worked fine.
Now i cannot downgrade with Safe Mode. I always get the Message "Invalid Upgrade File". I have tried to downgrade with all firmware files I found on the hompage. No Success.
Also this Tutorial is not working:
I cannot upload a File on the public folder, i just can upload the file directly on Safe Mode.
I know this is a old NAS, but for my backup this would be good enough.
But on CIFS I get a write performance about 6 MB/S. On iSCSI about 20 MB/s.
Maybe someone can help me
Thank you!