Can not find the disk for time machine??

  • Last Post 22 October 2017
HsiaoChen Lo posted this 13 October 2017


My Mac OS is High Sierra & Apollo cloud version 2.0.2 & firmware : 0.01.0004.60 .

After the first time machine backup , MacOS always skip the apollo cloud with "Not found Apollo Disk" ..

Please help ...


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Joe Engledow posted this 13 October 2017


Can you please let me know what the folder location of your Apollo disk is, according to Time Machine?


HsiaoChen Lo posted this 15 October 2017

Hi Joe

Under the Apollo server --> Apollo_TimeMachine , and I can find it with "Finder" of Mac.





Can you please let me know what the folder location of your Apollo disk is, according to Time Machine?


HsiaoChen Lo posted this 16 October 2017

Hi Joe

Yesterday night, I had remove the Apollo disk again. To this morning, Time machine skip the disk from AM06:07 , no more new backup in Apollo cloud , but my airport time capsule is work fine.

Really need your help ..


HsiaoChen Lo posted this 22 October 2017

It worked fine by itself about five days ...

Today it had the same problem & skip the apollo disk again.

For this time , I closed the apollo APP in MAC & reactive the app , Time machine worked fine again with Apollo Disk..
