Can I swap all 8 internal drive from one chassis to another?

  • Last Post 31 October 2017
Kirsty Emery posted this 31 October 2017

I have 8 internal drives coming back from Antarctica without the Pegasus Promise chassis as it can't come on the same flight. When they arrive in the UK my plan is to put them in to another chassis that I have here and check that the drive is working and use that chassis until the original chassis comes back 2 weeks later. Can anyone see any problems with swapping the drives over like this? I will make sure they stay in the same order.

Richard Oettinger posted this 31 October 2017

Hi Kirsty,

If all 8 drives are from the same Pegasus - an R8 I assume - then you can put them in to any other Pegasus R8 - anywhere. You do not need the original chassis they came from.

Another nice feature is that they do not have to be in the same order - it is just recommended that you keep them in the same order for future maintenance activites...

~ Richard

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