I have a D5800 that a controller failed in and I replaced the controller with a new FRU purchased from PromiseWorks. After replacing the failed controller, the cache SSD's show as "PD(s) OK, Not usable". I have pulled the SSD's and they work just fine in other systems with no issues.
All 4 of these SSD's are MICRON S650DC-400FIPS. They can be reformatted fine in other systems and show no errors in functional use in other systems. However even after formatting they refuse to be re-recognized by the D5800 and show the status of "OK, Not usable".
Seem to recall having this or a similar issue with the original SSD's used when this was setup last year. At that time I replced the SSD's with these fresh MICRON drives and all was fine until the recent controller swap.
Is there some trick to reintroducing SSD's for the cache drives that have been used before, I would think reformatting should remove any stale configuration information from thyese and have them behave as new? Is there something else that needs to be done to reset things and allow these to be used?
One other anomoly (not sure if it has any bearing on the issue) but under the Physical Drive Information screen, I noticed that these drives are showing a media type of HDD. They show as SSD in applications when installed in other systems (Linux / Windows).
Any advice or thoughts on how to fix?