Automatically Stopping and Starting Pegasus 2 R6 on a schedule

  • Last Post 29 October 2017
Tom Wootton posted this 26 October 2017

I do not need my R6 to run all of the time and it eats up 50 watts when running according to the specs. I would like to turn it on when I need it but I also want it to turn on automatically and mount the drives for my nightly Carbon Copy Cloner backup that writes to one of the logical drives and then turn it off when finished. Is there a way to start and stop the whole R6 via a schedule or script in CCC?

I got feedback from Carbon Copy Cloner and they say I can run shell scripts before the backup and after it completes. Is there possibly a shell script that would unmount and put the R6 into a lower energy mode and then wake it back up with another shell script (and mount the volume) when the backup starts the next day? If so, how would I access my other logical drives on demand when I need them?

Hariprasad Velmurugan posted this 29 October 2017


Its not possible to run the shell script to enable energy save mode. However you can setup the defult  power saving level in the promise utility software.

Please find the below KB link for reference



