Adding photos to the Photos folder in my 2TB Apollo Cloud

  • Last Post 27 January 2018
Geoff Culbertson posted this 16 November 2017

I have just bought and installed my Apollo Cloud Drive and have transferred a lot of photos to it, but they are all in the Files folder not the Photos folder. I cannot click and drag them to the Photos folder. How do I add photos to the Photos folder please?

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Brian Mcneill posted this 17 November 2017

Yes I would also like to know this and have looked in the user manual and can't find anything on adding photos from a Mac it is all to do with iphone.

Geoff Culbertson posted this 21 November 2017

Surely someone at Apollo can answer my question or show how to add photos into the Photos area of my Apollo Cloud drive. PLEASE!


Devendra Kumar posted this 21 November 2017

Hi Geoff,

Please go to the and create support case for better assistance.


CLIFFORD Dunlop posted this 10 December 2017

That's it? I have the problem also and can't figure it out from any information provided including the manual. Kind of hoped to see an answer on this link instead of someone telling me to go somewhere else. 

Claudine Lamoureux posted this 10 December 2017

When photos are stored in the file folders (Apollo File tab), they appear automatically in the Apollo Photo tab, sorted by date of import, and all that remains is to build albums by selecting these photos one by one or by date.

CLIFFORD Dunlop posted this 10 December 2017


Nothing is being stored in my Photos tab. If I open it it just says there are no photos and the controls such as the + button are not activated. I have a feeling that the recent software updates with Apollo and / or Apple ( High Sierra) might be behind this.

Claudine Lamoureux posted this 11 December 2017

@Clifford Dunlop

There are no controls such as the + button in the Photos tab, you can add / delete / copy / move / rename files / photos just in the Files tab and inside. My firmware version is 0.02.0000.72, and the application on iPad 2.0.5, that of Mac 2.0.3, both updated. And you? I have never managed to get a user guide on this site, very ugly, or have answers to questions asked support, and it is very harmful.

CLIFFORD Dunlop posted this 11 December 2017

My firmware version is what I got on upgrading recently. Application is 2.0.3 also. If you open the Photos tab do you see a + box on the top bar? I do but it is faint, and not active. This is also on the Files tab but it is clear and works. 

Claudine Lamoureux posted this 11 December 2017


Your firmware seems less up to date than mine, it's surprising that; mine I updated late novembe 2017.

On the Mac, we see by opening the tab Photos, the sign + grayed and therefore not active. On the other hand, on the Files tab, this + sign is black and therefore active: it is on this tab that you can add photos.

To do this: 1 / go to the folder of the Files tab where you want to import them, 2 / click on +, a drop-down list appears, and allows you to click on "add files". These photos are then found in the Photos tab on the date that corresponds to them. This is the manip on a Mac, I tested it and it works.

On an iPad, it's a little clearer, the drop down menu has an additional line "add Photos / Video", but again it's from the Files tab that it is done. There is no sign + on the Photos tab on the iPad, so it's more intelligible.

I hope this answers your questioning. You can import photo files on Mac, but not photos from your photo library, while on iPad / iPhone you can import photos from your phototeque, besides you can sync your mobile device film, but not a folder with Apollo, while we can not synchronize his film on Mac, but we can synchronize folders with Apollo. Apollo is different and less powerful than Clouds like Dropbox, Google Drive for example where we can do both on mobile and computer. On mobile just use the Documents App to synchronize file folders. Maybe one day on Apollo it will be ... Keep me informed of the aftermath.

tony metters posted this 20 December 2017

Is there an official update on this issue? I to0 have the firmware 0.01.0004.60 - No photos appear in the photos tab

tony metters posted this 21 December 2017

Ok, I appear to have resolved this issue by (I think) - I am not sure if this is the reason but I include for others to try

1. Creating  a new subfolder 'My Share' in the Files Tab

2. Enabled sharing on the sub folder 'My Share' with another member the Apollo group

3. Copied a photo from the Files folder into the newly created shared folder .'My Share'

4. Selected the  Photos Tab and all the photos appeared ????

very odd


tony metters posted this 22 December 2017

Hmmm, Ok not quite there yet. Seems the photos have appeared in the Photos Tab BUT I am unable to create an Album. The Album create button is greyed out. (This applies to both the IOS app and the Mac Utility)

Also - I have had more success by using the Mac utility rather than the IOS APP. For instance I was unable to share a folder with other Cloud members using the IOS APP - It simple does not provide the option to share - BUT this was achieved by using the Mac Utility. Once this was shared via the Mac utiltiy - It was then possible to see this using the IOS APP.

This seems like a decent product but it would appear that the software and support are a little behind the glossy marketing videos - The PDF manual is way out of date. A lot of trial and error is requried on the part of the user.


Claudine Lamoureux posted this 22 December 2017

I do not understand your difficulties. For my part, I have easier access to the operation of Apollo Duo with the iOS App. For example to share a file, or a directory of files: from the Files tab (Files / Photos / Shared / Favorites / Settings), swipe left on the name of the directory (or a file) and there click on "More" which allows you to access Sharing, Rename, Comments, Details, Transfer, Copy. To create a Photos album visible in the Photos tab: click on the + sign of the Photos tab (Files / Photos / Shared / Favorites / Settings) only when you first click on the Albums tab (Photos / Videos / albums)

When did your Apollo Duo date? Have you done a firmware update at installation. For my part, an update was made in November.

tony metters posted this 22 December 2017

Well I have an apollo 2tb - My IOS app f/w is 2.0.5 - Apollo f/w 1.4.60

My issues are : I am unable to organise my photos from with the Photos tab because the +sign is not visible.  Public sharing of photos appears to work fine - I am unable to share a photo with another group member without copying the file to another directory in which I have set shared permission. This seems like a waste of disk space.



Claudine Lamoureux posted this 22 December 2017

OK, we did not have the same device (I have a Apollo Cloud 2 Duo), which explains the difference in firmware version. However the mobile application (2.0.5) should be the same. So when you are on the Photos tab, you must first go in the Albums tab (Top left: Photos / Videos / Albums) to have the + sign appear, which allows you to create an album.

tony metters posted this 23 December 2017

Again, when I am in the Photos tab there is NO ALBUM tab. All I see in my case is PHOTOS | VIDEOS - I believe this issue is a side effect of  the f/w on the Apollo device = 1.4.60 not the  IOS app.

Ralph Nohe posted this 21 January 2018

I have basically the same question and issues as the others mentioned before in this thread.

Using the MacOS Apollo Cloud App (and same with the iOS App), inside the Photos Tab, I have an 'Albums' tab, which is grey and hence, I cannot click on it. I have a ton of photos stored on the Apollo in the 'Files' tab already, i.e. a folder 'camera rolls' which syncronized more than 3,000 images with my iOS devices, and also there's a separate folder pictures where there are more than 30k images. Still, when I click on the tab 'Photos', it says 'There are no photos on this Apollo'. This is very annoying. The plus sign is also grey and not accessible, as is the Albums tab.


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  • MANUEL Lloret Llorca
MANUEL Lloret Llorca posted this 27 January 2018

 I have basically the same question and issues as the others mentioned before in this thread. The plus sign is also grey and not accessible, as is the Albums tab.

Update this option please !!

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  • Ralph Nohe