Adding Drives to my E610f ...

  • Last Post 05 August 2017
Charles Thompson posted this 10 February 2017

Currently have 3 drives in RAID5 plus hot spare on each controller, each RAID is a separate LD. This is a dual Mac installation thru adapters, one to each LD.

I wish to add 2 additional drives to one side (more storage space). Purchasing 2 new Promise 1TB drives in sleds like currently installed.

I am unsure of the exact sequence to follow to accomplish this.  I also thought of adding the current spare to the group and using a new drive as a spare.  Is this feasibe?  Can any of this be done "live"?  The basic steps might be as follows?  Please recommend Menu selections to make this happen or alternate steps:

1.  Install new drive sleds.

2.  Configure current spare to join RAID.

3.  Add one new drive to RAID.

4.  Make a new drive a hot spare.


What did I forget to ask?


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Dinesh Kannusamy posted this 11 February 2017

Hi Charles,


Yes, you can perform an Array Migration by increase the number of disk drives to the Exisiting array but this will take days to complete, in few cases it may take week or month and there is no option to stop the Migration process also there are more chances of File system corruption. So the best way would be, taking a back up of your data and delete the existing array and re create a new one with extra drvies and restore the data.


You can also use the below link to download the user manual for Vtrak E610 and check Pg#294  to know more about disk array migration:




Al Horton posted this 04 August 2017

Is this the same advise for a R6 that i want to add 2 more drives too. I have four 2TB drives now in a RAID 5

Dinesh Kannusamy posted this 05 August 2017

Hi Al Horton,


Yes. It is the best pratice to avoid other issues like data corruption. 


