
Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks!

Had 10 or more posts successfully marked as an answer

Post marked as Favorite
You have one or more posts that have been marked as Favorite by another member

First Vote Up Received
This badge is awarded to users after they receive their first vote up from another user

First Anniversary
This badge is awarded to a user after their first year anniversary

The Grouch
This badge is awarded to users who have voted down other users posts 10 or more times

Thousand Pointer
This badge is awarded to users who have received 1000 points

Jedi Master
Had 50 or more posts successfully marked as an answer

Recongnized Post
One or more of your posts have been marked as Favorite by 10 or more people

Umbraco Fan
This badge is awarded to a user who mentions Umbraco in their latest post

Post Selected As Answer
This badge is awarded to a user when their post is marked as the solution to a topic

You've Given Your First Vote Up
This badge is awarded to users after they make their first vote up

First Favorite
You have favorited your first post

Your Question Solved
This badge is awarded to a user when they mark another users post as the solution to their topic